
Bitter Substances
α-acids (EBC 7.4) 3,3
β:α (EBC 7.7) 2,1
cohumulone (EBC 7.7) 18
polyphenols (EBC 7.14) 3,6
polyphenols:α 1,09
xanthohumol (EBC 7.7) 0,5
xanthohumol : α 0,152
Aroma Substances
Total oil (EBC 7.10) 1,7
β-caryophyllene:humulene 0,33
farnesene (EBC 7.12) < 2
linalool (EBC 7.12; mg/100g) 5
linalool: α 1,52
Aromatic impressions of the raw hops

Calista impressions of the raw hops

Callista is characterised by a balanced hop note with impressive fruity aromas of apricot, passion fruit and red berries (forest fruits, blackberry, raspberry). A touch of grapefruit rounds off the flavour profile uniquely.

Assessment from brew trials

callista brew trials

Callista is becoming more and more popular among brewers. Passion fruit, grapefruit, gooseberry and pine make it a genuine rarity in beer brewing.